Stock Information

Stock InformationSTOCK

Fiscal Year End March 31
Ordinary General
Meeting of
Reference Date March 31
(Announce publicly previous to meeting as needed.)
Dividend Payout
Confirmation Date
March 31
(When interim dividends are declared, the dividend payout confirmation date is September 30.)
Number of shares
per unit
Share Transfer
4-5 Marunouchi, 1-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking
Announcement of
Financial Statement
By electronic notification. However, when the notification cannot be electronically published due to an unavoidable reason, the announcement is published in the Nihon Keizai shimbun.
Stock Market Tokyo Stock Exchange Regulation Standard Market
Stock Information SUNCORPORATION Stock Quote
Securities Code 6736

Share Information

Authorized 48,000,000 shares
Issued 24,007,728 shares
"Japanese individuals and
others" includes 1,769,277
treasury stocks.
Number of shareholders 2,022 people